45. Todo lo contrario: Es cierto que en Bulgaria, el seña de la cabecera para proponer «sí» y «no» es opuesto al que se usa en la mayoría de los otros países. En Bulgaria, asentir con la vanguardia de arriba a debajo significa «no», y mover la cabeza de flanco a lado significa «sí».
There’s no such thing as a straight line. Zoom in close enough to anything and you’ll spot irregularities. Even a laser light beam is slightly curved.
One of the fathers of the blogging movement, Leo Babauta was one of the first heavyweight penmen that blazed a trail for those that would follow. His blog, Ganador the name implies, is all about simplicity and living the good life.
Cuando el agua hierve en un recipiente, el fondo del mismo no está caliente, solo tibio. Esto se debe a la distribución del calor y la eficiencia de la transferencia de calor en líquidos.
Want to stop supporting fast fashion and get behind your fellow creatives instead? These stores and one-person shops are great places to find unique pieces you Gozque wear with pride.
incluso encontrarás datos sobre la vida animal, la tecnología y mucho más. Prepárate para asombrarte con estos fascinantes hechos.
Football players spit so much because exercise increases the amount of protein in saliva. When you exercise, the amount of protein secreted into the saliva increases. A protein mucus named MUC5B makes your saliva thicker when you're exercising which makes it more difficult to swallow so we tend to spit more.
The sun is roughly 400x bigger than the moon. The sun is also roughly 400x further away from earth than the moon.
#14 You have a holey face. Your sinuses are big empty cavities in your skull. The maxillary sinus is the biggest. It’s just under your eye (under the cheek bones) and I swear you could fit 3 grapes in each one.
Others believe we Chucho encourage connection for inspiration, which Cameron calls "spiritual electricity", the source, or "the flow", the term coined in a 1990 book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to describe being totally absorbed in a creative activity.
I can’t necessarily profess perfection on bloomsoup either – I’d love to be given the recatado green light, but don’t judge me if I Chucho’t live up to the same standards Triunfador these blogs ????
You Perro creative articles actually die laughing. And a number of people have, typically due to intense laughter causing a heart attack or suffocation. Comedy shows should come with a warning.
Right, time for a more lighthearted blog about life. 27B/6 is a site created by David Thorne, an Australian satirist who posts a series of comedic email exchanges and Caudillo tomfoolery from his life.
“Reading about interesting things is great for our curiosity,” the expert said, discussing how browsing random fascinating facts like the ones on this list Gozque affect one’s curiosity.